How to complete Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in less than Seven Days

As a medical Student, probably the most neglected subject by MBBS Students of 3rd year is Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.

Usually we read it few days before Examination knocks at the door. And we often feel scared and at loss, when it comes to cover Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.

I am going to discuss about how to cover entire Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in less than Seven days.

Point to remember before you start FM&T

⭐ First of all, I want to make you clear, that Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is not a tough or hard to understand subject.

⭐ It becomes nightmare for us because we try to cover the topics haphazardly and end up feeling distracted, distressed and vaporizing memory.

So we will break up the topics and try to cover them up.We will try to cover topic wise. It will lead to effective learning and better understanding with good memory build up.

🔸 Topics for Day 1

All Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Ethics, Acts Related to Medical Practice, Legal Procedures

🔸 Topics for Day 2

Identification, Medicolegal Autopsy, Thanatology and Signs Of Death

🔸 Topics for Day 3 –

Asphyxia, Injury, Firearm & Ballistics, Regional Injuries, Thermal Injuries

🔸 Topics for Day 4

Transportation Injuries, Explosion Injuries, Starvation & Anesthetic Death, Forensic Psychiatry, Bloodstain & Seminal Stains, DNA Fingerprinting, Torture Methods

🔸 Topics for Day 5

Abortion, Infanticide, Child Abuse, Impotence & Sterility, Virginity-Pregnancy-Delivery, Sexual Offenses

🔸 Topics for Day 6

General Toxicology, Corrosive Poisons, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Phosphorus, other metallic and Inorganic Poisons.

🔸 Topics for Day 7

Plant Poisoning, Snake Poisoning, Alcohol,Drug Dependence & Abusive Substances(Narcotic, Cocaine, Cannabis) , Agricultural Poisoning, HCN & Asphyxiant

Take home massege

⭐ All the important topics can be easily covered by only 7 days if you want to.

⭐  If the day wise schedule cannot be done in one day. You can give 2 days. Then also you can have your first reading in just 14 days.

⭐ Even if you read first reading and follow this, you will end up maximum coverage in minimum days.Don’t panic what you can remember after 1st reading. Always try to understand remembering  100% can never be possible in 1st go.

When you start revisions, it will make your understanding more and more better along with less days expenditure for Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Hope this works for you.

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